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What's your story?
fluency factory story challenge

In celebration of National Story Writing Month, The Fluency Factory is hosting a story challenge! Here are the rules:

Submit a writing goal.

How long do you think you can make your story in a month?

You are welcome to write ANY STORY that you’d like. There is no theme, although if you’d like to make it fall themed we won’t mind!

  • Here is a list of prompts if you need some inspiration!

  • You can write about yourself or other characters


Write, Write, Write! 

You have until December 5th to hit that target! Write a little bit each day or sit down and write for six hours straight, we don't care! It's your story and you can write it however you like! 


Turn it in!


We select a winner!

  • You should proofread, but we will not judge on mechanics, just how good your story is!

  • If you hit your goal, congrats, you're a winner! Everyone who makes their goal will win a small prize! 

  • The Grand Prize Winner for Best Story will receive $150 and will be notified over Christmas Break


This is a challenge for students K-12

  • If parents or older students would like to participate, they are welcome but are not in the running for the grand prize.

  • If parents would like to learn more about NaNoWriMo, go to

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